Oh Boy, do we have a treat for you this week! This cigar raises the bar and defines what a great Dominican cigar should taste like. This cigar is the Davidoff Puro D' Oro!
Released in 2010, this line is the result of the passionate search for perfection by Hendrik "Henke" Kelner, Davidoff's Master Blender. He spent countless hours for over 10 years growing and developing the delicious Yamasa wrapper, exclusively used for the Davidoff Puro D' Oro.
Measuring only at 170 Square Miles (Rhode Island is 1,214 Sq Mi) the very small Yamasa region has reddish soil that is enriched with minerals and according to Henke also has the "Perfect" weather conditions for producing great tobacco. Henke compared working with the farm and blending the tobacco to taming a fine horse. “It was a white horse, a stallion, difficult with lots of energy. Today, the stallion is domesticated.”
At the core of the Puro D' Oro is a blend of select 4 year old Dominican tobacco. The result is an exceptionally pure and very, very rich, blend
that releases the aromas of roasted coffee, chocolate, pepper and
This is a high quality medium bodied smoke with a nice long finish that every cigar smoker should have at least once in their lives if not regularly!
Click HERE to get yours today!
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